Oh, that's just not right...
The above quote comes from the beloved movie Galaxy Quest and was uttered by the awesome Guy Fleegman (played by Sam Rockwell). And what else is there to say about the meal featured above?
Jamaican Jerk Chicken: Starting with the blob of brown stuff on this plate, is something posing as chicken. When I first bit it, I was overwhelmed by the spices coating the outside. As I chewed all of the spice fell off and I was left with a bland piece of chicken. How something could have been so overpoweringly flavorful one moment and then the next have no flavor is beyond me - but somehow this dining hall managed to pull it off.
Rice: That's all it was labeled, but sure as hell there's more in that white blob than just rice. In that picture it looks a bit like sticks. That would have almost been preferable. Instead it was big clumps of sage. So even when I only ate the rice (I stayed clear of the then mysterious green stuff) all I tasted was sage. Today, at least, the rice wasn't crunchy. Instead it was far too overcooked.
Orange Carrots: I know what you're thinking: well of course ORANGE carrots, what other kinds of carrots could there be? Actually quite a lot of other colors, but that's not the point. The point is that "orange" does not refer to the color. Just to let you know, cooked carrots don't usually have a sauce that vibrant. Hell, they don't usually have a sauce. The moment I put one of those pieces in my mouth, I knew something was horribly wrong. Those carrots tasted only of orange. THEY TASTED JUST LIKE A GORRAM ORANGE. The texture was all wrong, though, so I started to cough it up, my body confused.
The Verdict:
Oh, that's just not right -- for everything. Seriously. Is there any other response to magically disappearing seasoning, squishy sage rice, and that CARROT MONSTROSITY? No. There are no other words.
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